Measles Outbreak in NY State Prompts Stringent Sanitation Measures

Measles is a highly contagious disease, especially for children, that became nationally recognized in the U.S. in the early 1900s. Deaths from the disease claimed around 6 thousand lives in the first decade. In the 1960s, a vaccine was made available and administered. One of the greatest dangers of the disease is that it causes swelling of the brain.

Fast forward to the year 2000, and the announcement that measles was eliminated as a disease threat to the U.S. population. Still, people traveling to countries and areas or people who have not been vaccinated can still carry the disease back into the U.S.

This year has seen the highest reported amount of measles outbreaks than it’s seen in decades. Over 1,000 cases were reported and many in New York state including New York City and Rockland County. By March 2019, a state of emergency was issued to deal with the outbreak. Today however that ban has been lifted as officials say they’ve vaccinated over 25,000 people to help stop the spread of the infectious disease.

For healthcare providers now administering the mandated vaccines and care to those affected by measles, stringent sanitation measures are vital. Both to stop the spread of disease and to ensure that no needlesticks or blood borne pathogens enter the environment.

Storing vaccines safely and tossing used sharps, syringes and expired or unused vaccine waste in properly labeled bins is an important step in keeping the public, patients and healthcare workers safe.

Facilities in the lower Hudson Valley must also ramp up their medical waste disposal services to ensure they continue to safely haul away waste from their facilities.

Hauling away vaccine waste requires special care to remain compliant with all state and federal regulations. Red Bags knows all of the rules in New York state and can be your ally in assisting with waste haul away as you focus on the important job of getting vaccines into the population as quickly and efficiently as possible. Get in touch today to learn more or schedule medical waste pick-up for your facility.

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