Medical Waste Disposal

Medical Waste Disposal
Medical waste disposal is any discarded biological product such as blood or tissue removed from operating rooms, morgues, laboratories, or other medical facilities. The term may also be applied to bedding, bandages, syringes, and similar materials that have been used in treating patients and to animal carcasses or body parts used in research. Medical waste disposal is regulated at the state and local levels.
With Red Bags, medical waste disposal is easy and affordable. We provide the "Safety Boxes" and red bags with the general service at no additional charge. Sharps containers are available at an additional cost.
In addition to medical waste disposal, Red Bags also provides disposal of pharmaceutical waste & trace chemotherapy waste.
Through a partnership with our sister company, Legal Shred, we also have the ability to provide document destruction, hard drive destruction, product destruction, and more.
Medical waste is a highly regulated industry, making it essential that you have a company that can guide you through every step of the process - from proper packaging, to storage, to transportation to final disposal. At Red Bags, we are knowledgeable of all the laws pertaining to regulated medical waste, including those coming from the DOT, DEC, DEP, OSHA, local health departments, CDC, FDA and others.
Through the Red Bags compliance portal, we provide blood borne pathogen training and other necessary training to keep you in compliance. We also provide electronic manifesting, an online billing portal, soon to be online booking, MSDS, a self audit system and more.
Call us today to learn more.
- Healthcare Waste Institute: Guidance on Washing Reusable Containers