All About PG II Containers

A facility can utilize PG II containers, so there is no need for the use of D.O.T compliant secondary packaging method to keep the container safe during transport.

Sharps containers play a critical role in the safety and management of any used sharps at medical and healthcare facilities.

While there are a number of different containers to label and store different types of waste, PG II rated sharps containers maintain the specific purpose of protecting sharps waste while in transport.

Sharps waste can include any syringes, needles, glass, slides, hard plastic pieces or metal instruments.

Once the waste containers become full, the process of removing them from the premises for safe transport and destruction begins. This is when different options exist for adhering to regulations and safely transporting the waste.

One way is to place the closed, locked sharps containers into a red bag (as secondary packaging) and then into a labeled medical waste box or reusable tub.

Alternately, a facility can utilize PG II containers, so there is no need for the use of D.O.T compliant secondary packaging method to keep the container safe during transport.

These can be used not only for sharps but also for carrying other regulated waste like cultures and stocks. It keeps the products inside protected with a sealing gasket as well as an absorbent pad on the inside for any liquids in the container so they are not spilled out into the environment.

PG II containers are a great option for safe and quick disposal in operating rooms, for chemotherapy and with other medical waste.

Whichever method you use, these sharps containers should never be disposed of in the regular trash. Legally, they must be labeled and stored securely until an off-site waste hauler certified to transport the waste hauls it away for destruction.

Once in the waste hauler’s hands, it must undergo all applicable state and industry regulations for how it is transported and destroyed.

If you want peace of mind knowing your waste has been properly handled from start to finish, contact Red Bags today!

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