Test Your Red Bags Medical Waste IQ!
Health care facilities use various receptacles and collection methods for medical waste and disposal, but each have their own purpose and are all exclusive of one another. The reason for this is because of the health and environmental risks associated with the different types of medical waste.
One type of collection method is a red bag, also known as “red bag waste.” As the name suggests, a red bag is a red plastic bag, but it is only used for certain types of waste.
How much do you know about red bag waste? Take the quiz to find out!
Share your Results:Why are red bags red?
What should NOT be disposed of in red bags?
True or false: red bags can be collected by city municipal waste haulers.
True or false: it is the employer’s responsibility to determine the existence of medical waste, and to ensure that it is using proper packaging, such as red bags for biohazardous waste.
To seal red bags, handlers must: