Amusement Parks & Medical Waste?
Many popular amusement parks have first aid stations, which means the need for medical waste removal services.
Even on the best-planned vacations, emergencies happen. Did you know that many popular amusement parks have a first aid station for medical emergencies? With first aid stations comes medical waste, and that is why these fun destinations are on our list of uncommon places you’ll find a need for medical waste removal services.
First aid stations at theme parks and attractions see the majority two types of cases: cuts and bruises and, especially in warmer climates, heat-related illnesses. For example, in Disneyland, California, there is what’s considered a “backstage area” which has a fully staffed primary-care facility. There are typically registered nurses on site to help patients in need.
According to Disney’s resort website, nurses are able to offer over-the-counter medications, bandages and other quick remedies. These first aid centers also provide special sharps containers for disposal of needles for those who require it, like diabetics.
While these stations are not full-fledged hospitals producing large amounts of infectious waste, much of this waste is considered hazardous but is easily managed with the proper containers and disposal services.
First aid stations that deal with scrapes, bruises, and minor cuts will produce waste that includes soiled medical bandages, discarded medical gloves, cultures, and swabs. This type of waste is considered red bag waste.
Other waste generated by amusement park first aid stations can include gowns, table paper, soft plastic items, and other personal protective equipment. Sharps containers on site will also need to be handled accordingly.
Red Bags will take red bag waste from amusement parks and destroy the potential for harm from it. Because this waste has been contaminated by potentially infectious materials, it needs to be destroyed through an autoclave. An autoclave is like an oven that is heated to approximately 300 degrees. All regulated medical waste is placed inside for about one hour to destroy any harmful materials.
For more information about waste services for amusement parks and how to properly dispose of it, contact Red Bags to discuss service options.
Service Areas: Long Island Medical Waste; New York City Medical Waste; Westchester Medical Waste and more!